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From: viraj priyadarshana <kpvirajp@yahoo.com>
Date: 19 Jan 2010 10:08
Subject: Sarath the man
To: imali facebook <imali.jayawickrama@gmail.com>, ama facebook <har_ama@yahoo.com>, indrani facebook <indranimmudalige@yahoo.con>, randaniya facebook <ktrandeniya@gmail.com>, niro facebook <niro.vinik@gamil.com>, morawaka facebook <thusharamorawake@yahoo.com>, thushari facebook <thushi4@yahoo.com>, tharany facebook <seemaraj@live.ca>, shesha facebook <sheshakethakie@yahoo.com>, muditha facebook <sandamalimuditha@yahoo.co>, adwit facebook <adwita.desai@rediffmail.com>, chathurika facebook <c7danawanisekara@gmail.com>, anisha facebook <ananji9mm@gmail.com>, chathurica pieris facebook <chathuricap@yahoo.com>, shalani facebook <c.shalani@yahoo.com>, sachini facebook <sachini.dinushika@live.com>, randima facebook <randima94@gmail.com>, piyumi facebook <piyumi.wathsala@yahoo.com>, SHIROMI facebook <shiromiperera79@yahoo.com>, natasha facebook <natasha_nishadi@yahoo.com>, nayomi facebook <nayomirathnayaka@rocketmail.com>, nisha facebookf <nishaperera71@yahoo.com>, yohan hewagama <yohan.hewagama@uniliver.com>, veanavinus@yahoo.com, udari_f@yahoo.com, tania.gamage@yahoo.com, upekasha56@gmail.com, sangithasangitha18@ymail.com, aish.cpp@gmail.com, anu.sanjee@yahoo.com, gayani.paba@yahoo.com, kushaniviyana@yahoo.com, dilini arawap <dilinikaushalya@gmail.com>, darshana boc <idsdarshana@yahoo.com>, Manura Chamara <manura.chamara@yahoo.com>, gayan dinesh <dgconstructions@yahoo.com>, sonali facebook <so119118@gmail.com>, wasanthi jayawardane <wasanthis@hotmail.com>, darshana malli <darshanapran@yahoo.com>, Kasun Perera <kasundperera@yahoo.com>, anura pradeep <pr4deep@yahoo.com>, kelum sagt <khendahewa@gmail.com>, lolitha sagt <wijesiridambura1@gmail.com>, chaminda <chaminda102@yahoo.com>, janaka_angunawela@yahoo.com, anuranga <anuranga@hotmail.com>, nadine <nadine@columbustourssrilanka.com>, shamika <shamikxxx@gmail.com>, rasika nandana <kvn.rash26@yahoo.com>, bandara <Sadara.Bandara@nationstrust.com>, janaka <jnamal@gmail.com>, amila <amilaj@pts.lk>, calvin1lubala@yahoo.ca
Cc: pubudu <pubudusk@gmail.com>, Pubudu Vithana <pubudu.vithana@dimolanka.com>, dinidu <dinindup@gmail.com>
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