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plz put your attention to SHADOW of cobra.. i think this is Photoshop work.
ReplyDeleteThe funniest matter is this photoshoped image is sold for Rs.20 (Sri Lankan Rupee) in Jaffna. To read more details about this news, visit here:
ReplyDeleteCaptured Ten(10) head hooded cobra photo is Rs.20
Two - three weeks ago a rumor was spreaded saying that someone has captured a ten head cobra (Naja naja) in Pokkanai, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The photo also was released. It could be seen in someones facebook, in some websites. Yesterday Sri Lankan domestic news paper Thinakkural published an article with the picture, tried to say that it was a truth story. The article originally was written on a website in English language. Tamil translation was used in the news paper(News paper didn't mention this). I have no idea about other news papers.
ReplyDeleteIt was obvious some websites, and news papers tried to make the people foolish. Any how some websites revealed the truth behind this photo. For example Click Here to visit a page that revealed the truth in the early days of spread of this rumor.
Now there are some more news about this matter. Many Tamils thinks that it was a truthful story and the image is original. In Jaffna someone talks like this, 'When they asked so called owner of this cobra(who captured it) about it, he has replied that it has escaped'.
There are some people having a photo of this ten head cobra in their pocket. They said that they believe it and they bought it for Rs.20 (Sri Lankan Rupees).
It is very simple to understand that this photo is a photoshoped image by just looking at the shadow and compare it size with the snake.
Also, if you look carefully, you may easily identify the photoshop work in the hooded head even.
It is wonder how our people get cheated by these kind of rumors.
Now, the original photo (?) of this ten headed cobra is released. Do you want compare?
ReplyDeleteThis is a fake pic. You can realize it by zooming.
ReplyDeleteFake Or Real?