Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Excellent replies...Miss Universe contest

Some excellent replies (Miss Universe contest).  

Question: Ms America, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
Ms America: Well, I can say that male organs in America are like gentlemen.
Question: How can you say so?
Ms America: Because it stands every time it sees a woman.........................
(Applause! Applause!).  

Question: Ms Spain, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
Ms Spain: Male organs in our country are like our very own bullfight or "toro" (bull)
Question: How can you say so?
Ms Spain: Because it charges every time it sees an opening.....
(Applause! Applause!).  



Question: Ms Philippines, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
Ms Philippines: Well, I can say that male organs in our country are like gossip or rumors.
Question: How can you say so?
Ms Philippines: Because it passes from mouth to mouth......
(Applause! Applause! Standing ovation! Applause! Applause!).  

Question: Ms Saudi Arabia, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
Ms Saudi: Well, I can say that male organs in Saudi are like thieves.
Question: How can you say so?
Ms Saudi: Because they like to enter through the back door.....
(Applause! Applause! Laughter! Laughter! Applause! Applause!).  



Question: Ms Malaysia, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
Ms Malaysia: Well, I can say that male organs in Malaysia are like Proton cars.
Question: How can you say so?
Ms Malaysia: They look tough but actually are very soft...........................
(Applause! Applause! Laughter! Laughter! Applause!).  



Question: Ms Singapore, how do you describe a male organ in your country?
Ms Singapore: Well, I can say that a male organ in Singapore is very "kiasu" (afraid to lose).
Question: How can you say so?
Ms Singapore: It always wants to rush in quick and leave 15 minutes before the show is over
(Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause! Applause!).

                        SRI LANKA

Miss Sri Lanka very 'shyly' answered the question saying:
"Aiyo aney, it comes like Mahinda Chinthanaya".
Question: How can you say so?
Miss Sri Lanka: "It promises mighty big, but delivers tiny little!"
(a 10 minute standing ovation!).

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